» The practice of willingly allowing our Self to be with whatever arises on our path as we draw closer to our highest calling and service «
Exploring the Connection Within: Embracing Self, Spirit, and Service
Theme » Connection to Self and to Service
Enquiry » What in your life brings you this inner connection with Self, Spirit and Service?
Invocation » I am willing to be with whatever arises as I devote myself to my higher calling. SWAHA
Mantra » Om Hum Hanumate Vijayam (swaha)
Embracing Devotion and Service: A Journey of Self
At our last Winter Solstice, invoking Ganesha, we intentionally shifted our perspective to orient towards overcoming obstacles and life events with ease, grace and flow.
We observe life can meet us in an easeful way, and yet there are times when we are called upon to apply ourselves, to dig deep, and stay true to our internal compass of integrity.
This is when the tools of our spiritual practice (sadhana) are called upon. These tools serve to help us grow up - to move from an old way of being and embody (stretch marks and all) into a new expression of Self.
What keeps us moving towards that more expanded (more whole) version of our Self, even when it feels uncomfortable and hard?
We look to Hanuman this Spring Equinox, a superhero in his own right, to aid us. Through selfless service and devotion to Rama, Hanuman is able to perform the impossible. He has incarnated into the fullest expression of devotion, and we are going to invoke his energy into our ceremony, and into our life.
It is our participation in these sacred practices that will bring forth our natural instinct to be devoted, to serve something higher than our Self, and to dig in, and discover our own heart-will power.
From the outside, it looks like fortitude and bravery, from the inside, it is devotion to something greater than us.
But don't take our word for it. This is for you to discover and to feel within your body.
Collective Intention
We will be calling in our collective intention of devotion and service to the divine (Spirit), and Self and to let that spill over into Service. You may want to contemplate; what in your life brings you this inner connection with Self, Spirit and Service. (Please know, it is equally valid NOT to think about it and just see what answer arises in the moment).
Integrating your experience
For those who want to continue to deepen into the intention of living a devotional life; to willingly allow your Self to be with whatever arises on your path as you draw closer to your highest calling and service, then you may like to continue with chanting our Hanuman mantra that we learnt. Chant it throughout the day (out loud, in your mind, in your sleep, whenever it occurs to you).
Om Hum Hanumate Vijayam (swaha)
Victory to the invincible Hanuman
By invoking prana (life force) with this mantra, our awareness is showered with 'vigorous energy'... an energy so vast and so strong it opens us to an ecstasy that is beyond our physical human capabilities.
(Deva Pramal offers a sublime version of this mantra. You can listen to it here).
Using Mantras for Transformation
Japa Mala (repeating mantra) is likened to a drop of pure water dripping into a dirty pool of water. The continuous supply of pure water will, even one drop at a time, purify the entire body of water eventually. This is what mantra does for the mind.
These ceremonies are becoming markers in my life for intention and transformation, and each time I offer an invocation, and get clear on my intention, life has a way of smoking out and purifying my motives and any limiting beliefs I hold in relation to that intention.
This ceremony was no exception in the lead up, and the short of it is that I came to a fuller understanding that we all have a healing impulse that moves us towards our full and most embodied expression of Self, and when we apply a mantra, it supercharges and supports this healing impulse.
Mantra is medicine, and as we use it, life will respond by delivering us the necessary conditions to purify us in order for us to be fully of service. It may not feel pleasant or desirable, but it is our willingness to go the distance and lean into those moments that creates the transformation.
Consider it a Fit For Service initiation.
Where I landed, and what I wanted to bring to the evening was summoning our connection to the divine and our conscious willingness to show up for our Self. "I am willing" is one of the most devotional statements we can summon on our path.
I am willing to be with whatever arises as I commit myself to what lights me up and brings me to service to others.
If you would like extra support at this time to integrate your experience, please reach out.
The Power of Ritual: Amplifying Intentions with Cacao, Fire, Mantra, and Meditation
Using the heart opening technologies of Cacao, Mantra, Fire Havan & Kirtan to clarify our intention and bring it forth into the world
In these power-filled ceremonies, we create space to get clear on our personal and collective intention; and then we amplify this by opening our heart with the aid of the cacao elixir, purifying our mind with the fire havan and sacred mantra, and shifting into heart-mind coherence using the practice of kirtan and meditation. It's quite the formula!
We offer invocations to welcome, or call upon that particular aspect of divinity within our Self and within the cosmos. As above, so below; what is within the whole is within us also.